Allegories of Winter and Autumn.
Winter appearing under the features of a love adorned with a cape holding under his left arm a bundle of branches.
The Autumn appearing under the features of a love holding a vine branch against his left side and raising a cup with his right hand (signed on the plinth GOSSIN FRES PARIS). MANUFACTURE GOSSIN FRERES : Manufacture directed by Etienne (died in 1900) and Louis GOSSIN (1846-1928), sculptors, the first Sociétaire of the French Artists. Pupil of Mathurin MOREAU, Louis exhibited regularly at the Salon from 1877; medals of third class in 1882, second class in 1886, bronze in 1889 and 1900 (Universal Exhibition).
19th century.
Terracotta. By the Parisian Manufacture of the GOSSIN Brothers.
Museum : Toulouse - AMO. Old restorations.
Height 107 cm - Base 30 cm